EYB Blogs

Why Hustle Culture is Wrong: The Power of Sleep for Health, Success, and Productivity

The hustle culture has distorted the true value of waking up early.

Hustle culture glorifies work over sleep, with the motto “Work Until You Become Successful or Die Trying.”

There are plenty of health hacks out there, but the foundation of health, well-being, productivity, success, focus, and longevity is sleep. This is why I disagree with the hustle culture approach.

Being well-rested boosts performance—not just in terms of productivity but also physiologically.

While individual needs vary, most people require seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, specifically achieving REM sleep. REM is the deep, restorative phase that rejuvenates the brain and allows the body to fully recover.

A well-rested person is generally more disciplined and self-controlled, and that discipline translates into greater life achievements and higher quality work. In other words, a well-rested individual leads a more efficient life.

One of the main reasons people struggle to wake up early is that they go to bed late. After a day filled with tasks, many unwind with activities like drinking wine or watching TV, which keeps them up.

Social media is another major culprit, as extended screen time at night disrupts sleep due to the blue light from devices.

In my 20+ years of coaching, I’ve seen alarming data related to people who regularly go to bed after 11 PM. Many of them battle obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic issues. Late-night snacking often plays a role, and cognitive fatigue at night can lead to poor decision-making.

My best advice is to go to bed before 10 PM. I often say, “Nothing good happens after 10:30 PM.” The Bible, in John 11:10, warns of the dangers of walking in the night. While the primary context refers to walking without the spirit of God, it also emphasizes wisdom something we can apply to the dangers of staying up late and falling into temptation, like eating extra calories.

Success begins the night before. Setting boundaries and being proactive is the wisest approach.

Here are 11 tips to master waking up early and conquering your day:

1. Gradual Adjustments: Gradually adjust your sleep schedule, setting your alarm 15 to 30 minutes earlier every few days.

2. Consistent Sleep Schedule: Stick to a regular bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends.

3. Limit Screen Time Before Bed: Avoid screens for at least an hour before bed to reduce blue light exposure.

4. Optimize Sleep Environment: Ensure your bedroom promotes sleep—a good mattress, dark curtains, and a cool temperature can help.

5. Limit Caffeine and Heavy Meals: Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening, and steer clear of heavy meals before bed.

6. Morning Light: Get natural light exposure upon waking to boost alertness.

7. Establish a Nighttime Routine: Incorporate calming activities before bed, like reading or relaxation exercises.

8. Avoid Snoozing: Don’t hit the snooze button—it can disrupt your sleep cycle.

9. Stay Active: Regular exercise helps promote faster and deeper sleep, but avoid working out too close to bedtime.

10. Stay Hydrated: Drink water upon waking to kickstart your metabolism and boost alertness.

11. Stay Committed: Changing habits takes time, so stay committed, even when it’s tough.

Lastly, while waking up early has its benefits, make sure you’re getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Adjust your routine as needed to prioritize your health and lifestyle.



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